Trabajos en el extranjero, trabajar en Alemania, los trabajos de verano en el extranjero


Assistance services for applicants for job abroad

Our aim is to  find a suitable job for applicants according to his requests, knowledges and previous job experience.

working programmes:

  • in Czech Republic and even abroad during whole year
  • for all aplicants from 18 till 50 years without difference in knowledges
  • it allows working experience in abroad, it also allows to travell, meet new cultures, earn money
  • improve language knowledges


We provide assistance service to most of these working programmes.

 assistance services includes:

  • consultations about whole programme (advantahes, disadvantages, possibilities, etc.)
  • informational materials to chosen programme and country
  • insuring accomodation
  • assistance during finding job
  • transport set up and arrangement of necessary formality
  • consultancy and assistance services during whole stage
  • further services according the chosen programme – insurance, transport, translator, delegate etc.


Transport costs

The price usually doesn't contain accomodation, meals, travel insurance, tranffic, registration fees at foreign offices and pocket money.
Total costs necessary for leaving and all other expenses are aproximetly from 13 000 CZK  up to 18 000 CZK (according to the chosen country)