Jobs abroad, work in Germany, summer jobs abroad

Work abroad, mainly in UK




Work in EU


The right for a life, work and for study in another lands of EU below to every citizian of EU and it belows into the basic rights that flows from the membership of EU. Every aplicant for a new job have to be set the similar conditions fot everyone. Because of this right there was accepted a lot of guarantees that precede a discrimination of immigrants. State citizen of member states of EU have the right for accepting an employment in another member state at the same conditions as  home workers. Member states mustn't brake this rule by setting another rules or laws.


Europe versus USA


Men and women have to be paid with the same amount of money without the difference for the same job. Differences in the wage can be allowed just because of the existence of objevctive factors - the level of qualificattion, the level of experience, etc. Labour units in the USA are more powerfull than czech ones. But work conditions in the Czech republic are getting better. The basic difference between the USA and Europe is that employees are in advantage in the comparation with employers. A difficulty of the labour market and social advantages of employees is one of the reasons why America has the better economy than Europe. For the american employers it is no problem to fire employees. On the other hand firms like to hire new employees - the labor market is much more flexible and because of this in USA exist  lower employment rate.




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